Ayurveda, one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems, has gained immense popularity in recent…

A comprehensive deficiency analysis of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 : Advocating for complete withdrawal & rewriting.
ISO/IEC 17025:2017 is the cornerstone for ensuring the competence of testing and calibration laboratories worldwide….

The Dangers of Healthcare Quality Accreditation by Profit-Making Private Accreditation Boards &ISQua Silence: A Threat to Patient Care.
In the healthcare industry, quality accreditation serves as a benchmark for safety, efficiency, and overall…

Co-Branding Catastrophe: The IAF-ILAC Co-Branding Disaster That Could Undermine Global Standards.
Introduction The International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) are cornerstone…

Uncovering Root Causes: A Step-by-Step Guide to Investigating EQAS Failures with a Bilirubin Case Study.
External Quality Assessment Scheme (EQAS) failures can be challenging for laboratories, necessitating thorough investigation to…

Integrated Diagnostics: How Microbiology and Hematology Correlation Enhances Infectious Disease Management.
The diagnostic landscape of infectious diseases relies heavily on the synergy between microbiology and hematology….

Reflex Testing in Medical Laboratories: Comprehensive Diagnostic Approaches for Enhanced Patient Care.
Reflex testing in a medical laboratory involves performing additional tests based on initial abnormal test…

Exposing Accreditation Body Legal and Structural Fallacies: The Harsh Truth About Profit and Non-Profit Accreditation Bodies.
FOREWORD In this paper titled “Exposing Accreditation Body Legal and Structural Fallacies: The Harsh Truth…

Challenging the Competence of ISO 15189:2022: When Standards for Laboratory Quality Fail to Fulfil Competence Requirements.”
ISO 15189:2022 is fundamentally crafted to enhance the competence and quality of medical laboratory operations….

The Ambiguities of Documentation and Record Requirements in ISO 15189:2022: Documentation Debacle.
ISO 15189:2022 is a critical standard designed to ensure quality and competence in medical laboratories….