Introduction In the realm of medical laboratory accreditation, the introduction of ISO 15189:2022 was heralded…
Category: Quality Control

The Future of Quality Accreditation: Overcoming ILAC’s Challenges.
In an increasingly interconnected world, the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) plays a pivotal role…

Commercialization of Accreditation and Quality Cannot Go Together.
Introduction: The assurance of quality through accreditation has long been a respected marker within industries…

Evolving Excellence: Enhancing Management Systems in Medical Testing Laboratories(A requirement of ISO 15189 2022)
In the dynamic environment of a medical testing laboratory, the effectiveness of management systems is…

How Artificial Intelligence can bring support in future to Medical Laboratory testing & investigation ?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize medical laboratory testing and investigation processes in…

How to do External Quality Assurance (EQAS) or Proficiency test (PT) trend analysis in a medical laboratory ?
External Quality Assurance (EQAS), also known as Proficiency Testing (PT), is a crucial aspect of…

How do you do QC trend analysis from the very first day when the laboratory mean is not established?
10 Regular Review: Here are hypothetical examples of data analysis for quality control (QC) trend…

How to establish quality control material’s mean value when it is not available with control provider’s peer group or machine manufacturer’s name is not listed ?
Establishing a quality control material’s mean value when it’s not available from the control provider’s…

Haematology Quality control material stability is only for 21 days; how you will do trend analysis in this scenario?
In scenarios where the stability of the quality control (QC) material is limited to a…

Common challenges for ATCC reference standard strain subcultures for quality control purposes.
Subculturing ATCC reference standard strains for quality control purposes can come with various challenges. ATCC…